AppSec 2.0: Security Without the Noise

Deepfactor is a new approach to application security that combines software composition analysis, container scans, container runtime security, and SBOM into a powerful integrated platform.

With Deepfactor’s unique runtime software composition analysis, you can now correlate static scans with runtime analysis, and prioritize vulnerabilities based on true usage.

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“Deepfactor’s next-generation SCA transcends traditional AppSec boundaries. Its pioneering approach is a game changer, offering unparalleled insight into the intersection of vulnerable modules and real-time application behavior.”

–Abhishek Rath, Head of Product Security, Sisense

  • Trusted by

    • favor-delivery-logo
    • Sisense
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  • Trusted by

    • Cisco
  • As a leading fintech company, we take application security very seriously. Having Deepfactor’s integrated solution for open-source scanning, container scans and runtime security has been a great way to consolidate multiple AppSec tools into a simple, effective solution.

    Kanhaiya Gautam

    Chief Technology Officer, Lentra

  • If only every company could be like Deepfactor, I think the world would be a better place.

    Pippin Wallace

    DevSecOps/AppSec Leader, Favor Delivery

  • A heartfelt congratulations to this year’s class of SINET16 winners. We are proud to play a role in accelerating innovation into a global marketplace by increasing the awareness of value-add companies.

    Robert Rodriguez

    Chairman, SINET

  • With the Deepfactor AppSec platform, we were able to easily run Docker container image scans and pinpoint high-risk vulnerabilities quickly. Additionally, the Deepfactor team is great to work with—they listen to our needs and are very responsive to our requests.


    IT Software Engineering Director

  • Deepfactor definitely shines when compared with existing solutions, and the simplicity and the fact that you can easily run it on premise and provide the flexibility to either add it on the left or the right brings a lot of value.

    Large Financial Services Company

    VP of Cloud Engineering

  • Moogsoft engaged with the Deepfactor AppSec platform due to the diverse set of offerings that it enables us to engage with and implement into our pipeline process, particularly the deep inspection of the runtime and the various dependencies throughout our product. Deepfactor allows us to really get a fine-grained analysis of not only what was being used but how it was being used.

    Rex Steele

    Senior Security Engineer, Moogsoft

  • We only looked at runtime in terms of performance analysis, but never in terms of security analysis, and that has changed. With Deepfactor, the types of vulnerabilities that we’ve suddenly become aware of are the runtime ones such as processes running as root, privilege escalation, insecure use of secrets, remote code execution, and use of unsafe APIs.

    Daniel Carrión

    Chief Technology and Product Officer, Inspide

  • SBOMs help organizations to determine if they are susceptible to security vulnerabilities previously identified in software components. These components could be internally developed, commercially procured or open-source software libraries. SBOMs generate and verify information about code provenance and relationships between components, which helps software engineering teams to detect malicious attacks during development (e.g., code injection) and deployment (e.g., binary tampering).

    Dale Gardner

    Analyst, Gartner

  • The team is so busy with developing new features they didn’t want the additional overhead of looking at security defects. There could be a deluge of false positives. We needed the right tooling. We told AppSec – ‘If you don’t have a test case associated with a particular container, there’s a strong likelihood we’re going to miss out on identifying these vulnerabilities.’

    Large Software Vendor

    Sr. Director of Product Development

  • Properly implemented, cloud-native applications will be the most secure applications your organization has ever developed and deployed. But you must discard the baggage of your conventional thinking, tools and processes for security.

    Neil MacDonald

    Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner

  • Firms that want to secure applications are challenged by understaffed security teams and lack of security awareness on the part of developers. Developer security champions are developers who act as a security point of contact in their team and embed.

    Sandy Carielli

    Principal Analyst, Forrester


Deepfactor Named a Winner in 2023 SINET16 Innovator Award

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How Can Deepfactor Help You?

SCA, Container Scans & SBOMs

Generate SBOMs, scan OSS dependencies and containers for vulnerabilities and licenses, gate builds during CI.

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Runtime SCA

Prioritize SCA findings based on correlation with runtime usage behavior & reachability.

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Container Runtime Security

Detect insecure file, network, and memory behavior to identify unknown vulnerabilities and achieve compliance with SOC2 Type 2 and other frameworks.

See it in Action > Learn More >
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Next-Gen SCA
On-Demand Webinar

Next-Gen AppSec Series: Deepfactor SCA—80% Less Noise, 50% Lower Cost


We’re Asking the Wrong Questions About regreSSHion


Optimizing SCA Use in CI Pipelines for Advanced DevSecOps

Case Study

Moogsoft Uses Deepfactor to Achieve Shift-Left Container Security

Read the Case Study

Sign Up for a 14-Day Free Trial of Deepfactor!

The Deepfactor trial includes the full functionality of the Deepfactor Application Security platform hosted in a multi-tenant environment.